Internal Affairs
Department of Records
The X-Fleet Sentinels was a gaming organization that was founded in April of 2003. With humble beginning in the space combat simulation game Star Trek: Bridge Commander, the organization has steadily grown. Today, the XFS has spread to three continents and across gaming genres and platforms. The organization has made a number of notable achievments including the successful integration of a republic-style government where similar organizations have become dictatorships.
The Beginning

Before the existence of the X-Fleet Sentinels, a gaming clan known as the X-Clan Starships was founded by a gamer named Dauntless (XCS Rank: Grand Admiral). This clan would grow to include some seventy-five plus dedicated Star Trek: Bridge Commander players. With the growth and size of the XCS, the organization became increasingly harder to control and maintain loyalty in. Following a war with the formidable forces of the United Confederation of Factions, the XCS High Command seized control of the clan. It was during this time period that one XCS member, named DarkShadow, resigned and formed his own organization which would be called the X-Shadow Fleet. The original founder, Dauntless, found that he had become powerless to control the madness that was spreading internally within the XCS organization and command structure.
Soon after the seizure of power, Grand Admiral Dauntless resigned his rank and position at the XCS. His resignation and formation of a new clan, called the X-Fleet Starships, would mark a crippling blow to the XCS. In very little time, DarkShadow contacted Dauntless and together, they merged their forces together into the XFS. Soon many members of the XCS resigned and immediately enlisted with the new XFS organization. This action of succession and "member stealing" infuriated the remaining XCS High Command who promptly declared war on the XFS, yet failed to recognize it as a independent organization. The war continued for a period of two months until the XCS announced that it was withdrawing to a new game called Freelancer.
With the split between the XCS, Grand Admiral Dauntless resigned his commission at the XCS. He left and formed the new X-Fleet Starships made up of officers who had resigned from the XCS. Minutes after this new clan was born, DarkShadow contacted Dauntless, and together they merged what forces they had into the XFS. Together they formed a new clan, and with this new clan, many of the former XCS flocked to Dauntless' XFS. Immediately a war broke out between the XCS and the XFS. XCS denied the fact that XFS even existed. The war dragged on and XFS was taking the upper hand with superior numbers and superior skills. The war continued until finally the XCS announced that the XCS was withdrawing from Star Trek: Bridge Commander and moving to Freelancer. The XCS withdrawl would be short-lived. Within days of retreat, the XCS changed its name into the X-Clan Securities. Peace seemed to have finally have dawned, but the XCS would soon return as the new StarFleet Federal Alliance.
The StarFleet Federal Alliance had been a modest clan organization during its formation in the days of the XCS, but it would soon become a threat to the XFS. Aided by disgruntled members of the XCS, the SFFA declared war as an enemy of the XFS. The conflict would be short, resulting in an agreement to terminate all hostilities. The SFFA would later dissolve itself. In March of 2005, the X-Fleet Starships formally renamed itself as the X-Fleet Sentinels in order to became a gaming organization spanning multiple genre of multiplayer games.
X-Fleet Starships (Early 2004 Roster):
XFS Fleet Commander- Grand Admiral Dauntless
XFS Vice Fleet Commander- Vice Grand Admiral DarkShadow
Alpha Fleet - Fleet Admiral Seperoth
- XFS03 Delta
- XFS13 Striker
- XFS17 Nightingale
- XFS22 Nix
- XFS25 Americana
- XFS33 Pocnhut
Beta Fleet - Fleet Admiral Nova
- XFS08 Doc
- XFS14 Illustrious
- XFS19 Lecs
- XFS23 Roughlad
- XFS07 SmartBomb
- XFS35 Cobra
Delta Fleet - Fleet Admiral Imperial
- XFS10 Positron
- XFS15 Nadescio
- XFS20 Kirk
- XFS24 Vigilante
- XFS30 Fletcher
- XFS31 LoneStar
Gamma Fleet - Fleet Admiral Kundun
- XFS12 Ark Royal
- XFS16 Data
- XFS21 Jinxed
- XFS26 Anubis
Omega Fleet (Under 16) - Fleet Admiral Falcon
- XFS11 Dauphin
- XFS27 Equinox
- XFS28 Marker
- XFS29 Pharroh
- XFS34 Cady
- XFS32 Neptune
X-Fleet Starships - Rank System (Early 2004):
- Grand Admiral - CIC
- Vice Grand Admiral - CIC
- Fleet Admiral
- Vice Fleet Admiral
- Admiral
- Vice Admiral
- Rear Admiral
- Commodore
- Captain
- Commander
- Lieutenant Commander
- Lieutenant
- Lieutenant Junior Grade
- Ensign
- Cadet Fourth Class
- Cadet Third Class
- Cadet Second Class
- Cadet First Class
Since the founding of the XFS, the organization was always intended for its members to hold power over the actions it would take. This ideal of democracy was seen to be the most lethal weapon with which to combat the corruption which had arisen within the XCS. Early democratic polls were simple, requiring only a Ya or Na vote from a designated number of high ranking officials. The voting process would become more complex as majority voting rules took effect. On March 31st, 2004, the Department Election Poll passed which allowed members to begin to elect the major internal department leaders. The last transition of power completely to member control came on September 10th, 2004, with the Evolution Act. This allowed members to elect the top four positions within the XFS government through elections which would be held every trimester.
Following the adoption of the Evolution Act, the leadership of the XFS believed that in order to foster equality and friendship, the hierarchy of ranks would need to be reduced. In November of 2004, the Rank Removal Act was passed which effectively terminated the long list of standardized military ranks, with the exception of the top four Commander-In-Chiefs positions and Division leadership. Following this move in January of 2005, the organization believed that three month terms of office proved to be insufficient in order to fully carry out an administration's goals. Soon, a new motion was adopted and passed in February of 2005 that extended the usual term of office to a full four months.
Sentinel Tags
The tags of the XFS have evolved over the past years almost as much as the XFS organization itself. The earliest tags the XFS used was an extension of those originally employed by the X-Clan Starships. The common XFS tag was XFS##, where ## was replaced by an assigned member number. Using the example of XFS01 Dauntless, within the XFS organization, the complete title would be the X-Fleet Starship 01 Dauntless. This system of tags was made incredibly popular by its use by the X-Clan Starships and the X-Fleet Starships carried over this tradition.
As the organization expanded, the leaders of the XFS became concerned about the increasing digits that the members were being forced to wear on their various alias. Although the large digits promoted the size of the organization, the use of the numbers removed aspects of personality. One gamer recalled the experience in his quote, "You guys sound like the Borg when you talk to each other with your numbers." With the threat of triple digits looming, a motion was proposed to remove the digits. Although many members did not approve of the action of breaking tradition, the motion passed with a majority in favor.
Since the removal of the number digits from the XFS tags, they have been a changing standard throughout the organization. Although XFS regulations are not extremely strict in the wearing of tags, tags must adhere to those of the X-Fleet Sentinels. The most common in-game variation of the tag is in the use of brackets to form [XFS]. This is mainly because many games support clan or guild tags and automatically use brackets, by default, to distinguish them. However, in the XFS of 2006, the most popular showing of the XFS tags in the "Sentinel Wings," where the XFS tag appears as -=XFS=-.
Major Engagements, Battles and Wars
Wars listed in chronological order:
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. X-Clan Starships
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Elite
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. StarFleet Federal Alliance
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. United Federation of Elite Forces
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. The Renegades
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Red Squadrons
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Combat Fleet
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Na'Dravasi
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. United Armed Forces
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. The Invid
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Mobile Infantry (First War)
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Star Fleet Tactical Forces (First War)
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Mobile Infantry (Second War)
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Royal Guards
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Star Fleet Tactical Forces (Second War)
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Royal Armed Forces X
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Star Fleet Tactical Forces (Third War)
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Commanded Forces
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Devil Dogs & SaW (The Brotherhood)
- X-Fleet Sentinels v. Imperial Order Clan
A Message To Future Generations
"Now that the XFS has grown in wisdom and in influence, we are now one of the most powerful clans in existence. This wouldn't be possible without the members of XFS who fight everyday and to the next generation of XFS officers, they too will have a part in fighting for the name XFS and making it a more powerful presence than it already is." --XFS Dauntless, Clan Founder
-=XFS=- X-Fleet Sentinels
Internal Affairs

Founders Council
XFS01 Dauntless
XFS02 Illusion
XFS03 Element
XFS04 Sephiroth
XFS05 Nova (Retired)
XFS06 Imperial
XFS07 TheDoc
XFS08 Craig
XFS09 Cady
XFS10 DarkShadow (Dismissed)
XFS11 Zii
XFS12 Obi
Department of Administrations
Chief of Administrations Phoenix
Deputy Chief of Administrations Faith
Administrative Assistant OMEGA
General's Council
The Core General Delusion
The Core General: MW2/Blackops Geno
The Cube Lt. General Kain
The Cube Lt. General*
The Station Lt. General* MADDMIKE
The Cube General
Administrative Assisstant OMEGA
The Cube General PUR3 D3SOLATION
The Cube Lt. General Samstorm
The Cube General Triton
Department of Engineering
Engineering Director Imperial
Engineering Deputy Director Craig (Server & Site)
Engineering Deputy Director Illusion (Special Projects)
Engineer Obi
Engineer Zii
X-Fleet Sentinels
Internal Affairs

Past XFS Presidents & Cabinet Officers
The Dauntless Administration (Election's Poll Passing - November 5th, 2004)
*President Dauntless
*Vice President Illusion
*Supreme Divisional Commander Imperial
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander KC aka The Doc
The Imperial Administration (November 6th, 2004- Feburary 5th, 2005)
*President Imperial
*Vice President Recon-001
*Supreme Divisional Commander KC aka The Doc
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander DarkShadow aka Warrior
The Imperial Administration (Feburary 6th, 2005- June 5th, 2005)
*President Imperial
*Vice President Illusion
*Supreme Divisional Commander Craig
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander Cady
The Illusion Administration (June 6th, 2005 - October 5th, 2005)
*President Illusion
*Vice President Imperial
*Supreme Divisional Commander DarkShadow
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander KC The Doc (Preceded By Voyager)
The Doc Administration (October 6th, 2005 - Feburary 5th, 2006)
*President KC The Doc
*Vice President Craig
*Supreme Divisional Commander DarkShadow
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander Imperial
The Illusion Administration (February 6th, 2006 - June 5th, 2006)
*President Illusion
*Vice President Imperial
*Supreme Divisional Commander Dauntless
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander -=Z=-
The Imperial Administration (June 6th, 2006 - November 5th, 2006)
*President Imperial
*Vice President DarkShadow
*Supreme Divisional Commander -=Z=-
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander Craig
The Zii Administration (November 6th, 2006 - March 1st, 2007)
*President Zii
*Vice President Craig
*Supreme Divisional Commander >X<
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander Cady
The Zii Administration (March 2nd, 2007 - June 1st, 2007)
*President Zii
*Vice President Craig
*Supreme Divisional Commander Cady
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander Phaseshift
The Aurus Administration (June 2nd, 2007 - November 1st, 2007)
*President Aurus -Succeded Impromtu
*Vice President Phaseshift
*Supreme Divisional Commander Cady
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander Obi
The Titan Administration (November 2nd 2007 - March 1st 2008)
*President Titan
*Vice President Obi
*Supreme Divisional Commander Cady
*Vice Supreme Divisional Commander Phaseshift
The Illusion Administration (March 2nd, 2008 - July 1st, 2008)
*President Illusion
*Vice President Phaseshift
*Military Commandant Shazbot
*Lieutenant Military Commandant DarkShadow
*Public Relations Director Mirage
*Public Relations Deputy Director Drego
*Judicial Director Todesseele
*Judicial Deputy Director Aurus
*Personnel Director Craig
*Personnel Deputy Director Sovereign
The Darkshadow Administration (October 1st, 2008 - March 1st, 2009)
*President Darkshadow
*Vice President Cady
*Military Commandant Delusion
*Lieutenant Military Commandant Mirage
*Public Relations Director TBD (By Board Vote)
*Public Relations Deputy Director TBD
*Judicial Director Fiery
*Judicial Deputy Director TBD
*Personnel Director Necraeon
*Personnel Deputy Director TBD
The Darkshadow Administration (March 2nd, 2009 - July 1st, 2009)
*President Darkshadow
*Vice President Shazbot
*Military Commandant Triton
*Lieutenant Military Commandant Nero Dio
*Public Relations Director Fire
*Public Relations Deputy Director Mirage
*Judicial Director Zii
*Judicial Deputy Director Faith
*Personnel Director Phoenix
*Personnel Deputy Director Marc