- 1 Introduction
- 2 Establishment
- 3 Flag Officers
- 4 2003-2006
<(>FEF<)> also known as Federation Elite Force was a multi-trek gaming clan.
<(>FEF<)> was established in 2003 by Fleet Admiral Tom Follett aka <(>FEF<)>FAdm Mario who now goes by the name DoomSgt. The group had several allies but attempted to be friends with many people and clans/communities, including Galactic Teens Clan (GT) which was later renamed to Galactic Federation (GF), Federation Reborn [FR] a Elite force Roleplay community, [CF] Coalition Forces and [STX] Star Trek Xtreme.
Flag Officers:
- Fleet Admiral Tom Follett
- Admiral Infinity Lexington
- Vice Admiral Kelly Johnston
- Rear Admiral Kurama
- General Bman
2003 - 2006:
<(>FEF<)> had a long run for 3 years in Star Trek Voyager Elite Force and Starfleet Command III, they where not involved in any clan wars except for the war between GF and RP (Red Phoenix) under command of RP King and GF Darkhunter. Even then <(>FEF<)> never completely got involved. FA Follett said that it was an external affair between the two groups and if GF needed help, <(>FEF<)> would help but wont flat out attack them.
In 2006 <(>FEF<)> ended it's trek into the gaming community and eventually due to outside influences (Schooling, Jobs, etc) the Group phased out.
There were several attempts to revive the group by FA Follett but ultimately the dream died in 2006. The sprit lives on in several of the people that were in the group, still helping people that need help, and making friends with who ever wants to be friends with.