Star Trek Bridge Commander was released by Activision in 2002 as an operational spacecraft simulator based on the Star Trek universe. This simulator contains several planned missions, including the famous mission of Starfleet Academy training called Kobayashi Maru. But this game contains a Single Player Mode against various ships of the Star Trek universe. Quickbattle can be played against the computer, but also in multiplayer mode where players from around the world meet for unforgettable battles.

At this time the Venture Squadron of Bridge Commander was created on Stardate 2008-10-28, under the initial command of the Cessna Skytower. Since then, the USS Venture maintains this Squadron in the Online Universe of Brazilian gamers. Members of the Squadron gather to train and compete at Championships in individual competiton or Team duels. Below is a little more about Venture Fleet and its history of competition in the Online game.

The Venture Squadron consists of five members of which the Commanding Officer is chosen by the Command Division of USS Venture Group. Its main mission is to represent the USS Venture Group at online events of the Brazilian Bridge Commander Universe, in addition to providing individual growth of each member of the Squadron in Starship Command and operations from the Star Trek universe.
The formation of the Venture Squadron is not fixed and has been modified over the years, depending on availability and willingness of group members to participate in this activity, which is not directly related to Second Life, but use the facilities of this meta-universe for meetings and education classes, taught in the Venture Station DS6 becoming the headquarters for Venture's Fleet.

Currently the members of the Venture Squadron and their ships are:
- Uriel Aeon - USS Aeon or USS Gaga - Commander
- MDaniel Landman - USS Venture
- Hallan Baar - USS Hallan
- Milton Zapatero - USS Darwin
- Sanival Writer - USS Sovei
Members worth mentioning of our group who went through the Venture Squadron since its inception and helped to reach our current position:
- Cessna Skytower on Stardate 2008-10-28 to 2009-01-22;
- Kirk Landar on Stardate 2009-01-22 to 2009-05-01;
- Shran Zeid on Stardate 2009-05-01 to 2010-07-20;
- Borak Kirax on temporary Squadron Reserve

The Venture Squadron participated in Championships promoted by other Brazilian Star Trek groups and has already promoted a Internal tournament of USS Venture Group. Below is a simplified account of all the participation of Venture Squadron and its members in various tournaments and championships:
2009-04-23 - 1st James Tiberius Kirk Cup TIR - Tournament sponsored by the Group TrekinRio - TIR in 2009 with the presence of members of participating individuals from the Squadron
3rd Place - Shran Zeid with the USS Andor
6th Place - MDaniel Landman with the USS Venture
9th Place - Borak Kirax with the USS Blessed
2009-10-13 - 3rd Championship Bridge Commander 2009 - Bridge Commander Championship organized by FEDF - Starfleet Federal District in its third edition, with the national championship. This championship with two categories: Individual and Squad:
Squad Category:
2nd Place - Venture Squadron
Individual Category:
3rd Place - MDaniel Landman with the USS Venture
4th Place - Shran Zeid with the USS Andor
Images published by the organization of the Championship - FEDF -
2010-03-22 - 2nd James Tiberius Kirk Cup TIR - Second Tournament sponsored by the Group TrekinRio - TIR with the presence of members of the Squadron individually participating, but the tournament was canceled by the Organization after the completion of some games.
2010-07-18 - First Tournament Venture Star Trek Bridge Commander - Internal Tournament organized by USS Venture Group for training members of the Squadron and inclusion of new members. In this tournament 24 matches were held with 10 participants registered and three new members of the Squadron were selected:

1° - USS Aeon..................Champion
2° - USS Venture.............Runner-up
3° - USS Darwin...............Third Place
4° - USS Hallan.................Fourth Place
5° - USS Sovei...................5 Points
6° - USS Zabelin................4 Points
7° - USS Hamaski.............4 Points
8° - USS B7........................0 Points
9° - RSS Aen V'saeihr.......0 Points
10° - USS Marcelo.............0 Points
Images published in the Forum Group USS Venture -
2010-10-02 - 4th Brazilian Championship Bridge Commander 2010 - New edition of the Brazilian Championship organized by Squadron of the FEDF - Starfleet Federal District, just this year with battles in the individual category:
1st Place - Uriel Aeon with the USS Aeon - BRAZILIAN CHAMPION OF 2010
4th Place - MDaniel Landman with the USS Venture
Images published by the organization of the Championship - FEDF -
2011-10-26 - 5 ° Championship Bridge Commander 2011 - 2011 Edition of the Brazilian Championship organized by the Squadron of FEDF - Starfleet Federal District, with only matches in the individual category:
3rd Place - with the USS Aeon Uriel Gaga
Images published by the organization of the Championship - FEDF -

There are some mods for Star Trek Bridge Commander created by fans, where the new mods are called Kobayashi Maru and is available in several versions. The most downloaded are version 0.9 / 1.0 and version 0.9.1.
These versions allow you to play with a very large range of Federation starships and aliens that are not available in the original game and plus several new Regions and Planetary Systems. This update allows multiplayer gameplay mode in the largest rooms online.
You can download the KOBAYASHI MARU directly from the internet site below, please read carefully the instructions for installing the mods:
More information about the game and the Venture Squadron, including tips, tricks, help and much more, can be obtained from the USS Venture Forum Group or Section games where we have different assessments of other games in the Star Trek franchise.
Article Writing, revised and translated by:
Alm. MDaniel - USS Venture NCC 71854

Star Trek® e todas as séries derivadas, assim como os personagens, são marcas registradas da Paramount Pictures, uma divisão da Viacom, com todos os direitos reservados.
Esta Homepage, bem como todo a material e publicação aqui apresentados estão livremente disponíveis ao público, e tem por finalidade apenas divulgar a série e compartilhar todo o conhecimento com as gerações futuras, sem fins lucrativos.