Elite Guard Germany was a clan founded on July of 2003 by [EGG]Riker.


Games Played (Circa Sept 2003):

  • Star Trek Armada 2
  • Star Trek Bridge Commander (Liga)
  • Star Trek Starfleet Command III
  • Star Trek Elite Force 2
  • Freelancer
  • C & C Generals

Member List (Circa September 2003):

  • [EGG] Riker - Admiral - Roles: Clanleader, Webmaster, PR
  • [EGG] Brienstorm - Commodore - Roles: CO-Clanleader, Chief of Staff, Counselor
  • Position - Squadleader Bridge Commander
  • [EGG] Spuck - Vice Admiral - Roles: CO-Clanleader, Warmaster
  • Position - Squadleader Starfleet Command III
  • [EGG] Kelwin - Ensign
  • Position - Squadleader: Freelancer
  • [EGG] Stone - Ensign
  • [EGG] BriSpe - Ensign
  • [EGG] Chacotayonvoyager - Lieutenant
  • [EGG] Ghizmo - Ensign
  • [EGG] Calhoun - Ensign
  • [EGG] Oddy - Ensign
  • [EGG] Spezi - Ensign
  • [EGG] Saviour - Ensign
  • [EGG] Mephisto - Lieutenant
  • [EGG] Daniel - Ensign
  • [EGG] JPdoggy - Cadet
  • [EGG] Thomascook2003 - Cadet

Games Played (Circa February 2004):

  • Star Trek: Bridge Commander
  • Star Trek: Armada 2
  • Star Trek: Elite Force 2
  • Star Trek: Starfleet Command III
  • C & C Generals: Zero Hour
  • C & C Renegade
  • Freelancer
  • Soldner
  • Panzers
  • Battlefield 2

Command List (Circa June 2004):

The Senate is the highest court in the clan.

  • [EGG] Riker - Field Marshal - Foreign Secretary, Webmaster, PR - Clan Leader
  • [EGG] Spuck - Admiral - Minister of Defence, Squad Leader Starfleet Command III - Member of the Senate
  • [EGG] Mephisto - Major General - Co-Clan Leader, Minister of Information, Squad Leader Soldner, Elite Force II, Vice Squad Leader BC - Senator
  • [EGG] Daniel - Colonel - Member of the Senate - Senator

Member List (Circa August 2004):

  • [EGG] Riker - Field Marshal - Foreign Secretary, Webmaster, PR - Clan Leader
  • [EGG] Spuck - Fleet Admiral - Defense Personnel Manager - Senator
  • [EGG] Mephisto - Lieutenant General - Minister of Information, Squad Leader Soldner, BC - Senator
  • [EGG] Daniel - Brigadier General - Member of the Senate - Senator

Here are listed all the squad leaders, and their deputies. They conduct the Games - areas within the clan and are the first contact for new members after their appointment by the Personnel Manager.

  • [EGG] Anabolic_Frolic - Navy Captain - Squad Leader Freelancer
  • [EGG] highlight - Navy Captain - C & C Co-Squad Leader, League Coordinator
  • [EGG] DaChegga - Navy Captain - Co-Squad Leader Soldner
  • [EGG] EmperorGestahl - Major - Moderator Support, C & C Co-Squad Leader
  • [EGG] Head crash - Lieutenant Colonel - Freelancer Squad Leader, Squad Leader Academy Freelancer
  • [EGG] Hopkins - Colonel - Squad Leader C & C Generals
  • [EGG] soldier - Sergeant - Major of Desert Combat Squad Leader

Here are listed all the squad leaders, and their deputies. They conduct the Games - areas within the clan and are the first contact for new members after their appointment by the Personnel Manager.

  • [EGG] Hopkins - Major - Squad Leader C & C Generals
  • [EGG] Hummel - 1st Lieutenant - ESL coordinator
  • [EGG] Oddy - Major - Squad Leader C & C Generals
  • [EGG] omega - Lieutenant - Squad Leader C & C Renegade
  • [EGG] Stenard - Ensign - Task Force Freelancer