The Genesis Knights =GK= were created as a Star Wars and Star Trek Gaming Clan by Darkstar on 18th March 2004. The =GK= was a breakaway group from the UFDF Trek fleet due to bad UFDF Leadership at the time.
We soon merged with the FPF Star Trek clan, unfortunately due to a leadership change in the UFDF the =GK= was closed down as we were integrated back into the UFDF.
GK Roster (April 2004):
- -=GK=- Floop - Leader/Admin/Founder
- -=GK=- Pre@cher - Founder
- -=GK=- Skinny - Founder
- -=GK=- TarTarUs - Admin
- -=GK=- AcEr
- -=GK=- Anderson
- -=GK=- |3enda|3laze
- -=GK=- |3enny|3laze
- -=GK=- Bones911
- -=GK=- Dormie
- -=GK=- Johnny9
- -=GK=- Jonnyl3laze
- -=GK=- MAXX
- -=GK=- Meat Helmet
- -=GK=- MonkAY
- -=GK=- Mr.Night
- -=GK=- Mr_Rogers
- -=GK=- Ranger
- -=GK=- R@ZoR
- -=GK=- Samm-AY
- -=GK=- Sandman
- -=GK=- Sc00ter
- -=GK=- Scott
- -=GK=- Warrior
- -=GK=- Wholio
The Decision was taken by Darkstar on 1st May 2004 that he would start up the =GK= once more only supporting Star Wars Games. Also on that day Master Bulldog decided to return as he had had enough of Star Trek clans and wanted to enjoy gaming. This was the theme for the Genesis Knights. fun, enjoyment, game playing and the good community spirit of the forums will be paramount.
We have now entered Star Wars Galaxies where Darkstar and Master Bulldog are training and gaining skill and credits to buy a Guild building before we start recruiting. Master Bulldog is now known as William T Riker. We are now in possession of a Guild Hall Deed and 6 House deeds and Riker and Darkstar are scouting for possible locations for a player city.
William T Riker has chosen a location not far from Anchorhead on the Europe Farstar Server as our base. The GuildHall has been planted and we have a few player houses in the location.
Darkstar & Riker had major personal differences and Riker decided to leave the GK and disband the Guild. Darkstar whilst still playing Star Wars Galaxies decided to roam solo in the game and not rebuild the Guild at this time.
Dan Perry aka Apok aka Spongebob has joined us and is helping with the design of a new website and host. He has also opened and is running a Castle Wolfenstein E.T. division which has its own GK dedicated server. We also now have our own Team Speak Server which is on 24/7.
After false promises of websites and servers then a planned attack on the =GK= Dan Perry aka Apok planned a coup of the =GK= and conspired with a few other ET members to tried and bring down the =GK=.
The servers were always failing and the members were becoming disenchanted.
It is also know that Dan was taking my money in the promise of a website and hosted servers for games, this money has only gone into Dan’s pocket and not into servers.
The disloyals moved to a clan called PARA and still I see no servers in the games that were promised.
As predicted by Darkstar the clan failed due to the members finding out that that Dan had blamed all the negative things he did on Darkstar and when the members found out Darkstar managed to put everything back together.
Darkstar Learned a massive lesson from all this and took it upon himself to make the clan as he wanted it and not rely on anybody building websites and making servers.
The =GK= however had better news and with 8 loyal members we move forward.
Today Darkstar purchased for the guys a 24/7 hosted Americas Army Server and a 24/7 hosted Enemy Territory Server.
A website was commissioned and forums added. All members now had servers and a website.
After this Darkstar provided an Americas Army honor server and also bought dedicated servers in Enemy Territory, Medal of Honor, Counter Strike 1.6, Jedi Academy, and Elite Force.
The clan started to really grow now through stable servers and active forums.
We had our first president in the clan =GK= Tyler who presided over some ever changing months before returning to his old clan the UFDF.
=GK= Angel then became our President and was at the helm for the first real push to get members into our forums and servers.
We made positions available in all areas, formed a High Council and made ranks for the members. CO’s of games were created and promoted.
The clan had 2 main areas, Starfleet Command looking after all Sci Fi games, and Military Command looking after all military games. =GK= Thomas was names Fleet Admiral of the Starfleet. And =GK= WILDKID made General of the Army.
After many people had complained about Wildkid and his behavior was becoming out of hand he was dishonorably discharged from the =GK= So =GK= Thomas became our new GOA.
The =GK= was now up to 150 members and our servers very popular.
Ex =GK= Riker had started a clan called the EQC in Trek and we became aware of this, Due to the bad feeling between =GK= Darkstar and the now named EQC Westanton the 2 clans became involved in first a war of words, then a full scale Bridge Commander war.
This was a total unpleasant war with much verbal fighting and in game wars. The matter was settled with a match in BC which was won by the =GK=
=GK= Thomas & =GK= Starfire were fantastic in their tactics and warfare.
=GK= President Angel decided to step down after his personal dictated he could not play and be as active in the clan. He was a great President; he still plays when he can.
=GK= Spoofer our master of admin took office as president and has implemented much of the main structure to the =GK= He has been very active in enhancing the website and maintaining the admin of the forums and clan.
=GK= Thomas was made Vice President and =GK= Pug became the General of the Army.
New ranks were added as the old military ranks were becoming the source of arguments so we simply changed to a rank structure of simple time served.
Also the =GK= dropped its federation style Diplomacy in favor of no treaties on Friend or Enemy status.
New servers were added in the form of Counter Strike Source and Death match 2.
It is today 12th Feb 2005 and we are constructing a new recruitment process and also in the process of taking stock of the active members and the inactive ones so we can trim down and start moving forward again.
Darkstar and the Mighty =GK= Shinzon are putting together a new Welcome pack for new recruits to give them an understanding of their obligations in joining the =GK=
=GK= President Spoofer has also stated that he wants to only start recruiting members that pass certain criteria.
So the future looks even better for the =GK=
Command Roster (June 23rd, 2007)
Clan Management
- Darkstar Clan Support - Founder of GK
- TATTOOED Clan Support - Clan Deputy Manager
- Maverick Clan Support - Clan Manager
Total: 3
Senior Leaders
- Smurgy - Legend (and GOA)
Total: 1
Game Leaders
- slayer.be - TC:E CO
- Bonsie - SWBF CO
- Danne - F.E.A.R. CO
- Voltz™ - CoD4 CO
- simple|wildsman - Enemy Territory CO
- Ojii - TF2 CO
- Wrighty - Wow CO
- RC-Joop - Americas Army CO
- IRA.Scoty - SW:G CO*
- GriZZlyWolF - ET:QW CO
- Perta - Cs 1.6 Co
- Desdicado - BF2 CO
- pot - CoD 2 CO
- FarleShadow - BF 2142 CO
- Soop Nah - Dawn of War CO
- palleKuling - DoD:S CO / Heavy
- Tsuarnnl - SWG Recruitment CO
- steiger - GRAW2 CO
Total: 18
Games Played (Circa January 2007):
- Americas Army
- Battlefield 2
- Battlefield 2142
- Call of Duty 2
- Call Of Duty 4
- Counter-Strike 1.6
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Day of Defeat Source
- Defence of the Ancients
- Enemy-Territory
- ET Quake Wars
- Fear
- Ghost Recon: AW 2
- Guild Wars
- Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2
- Star Wars: Galaxies
- Team Fortress 2
- Warhammer: Dawn Of War
- World Of Warcraft
Games Played (Circa August 2008):
- Age of Conan
- Americas Army
- Battlefield 2
- Battlefield 2142
- Call of Duty 2
- Call Of Duty 4
- Counter-Strike 1.6
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Day of Defeat: Source
- Enemy-Territory
- EVE Online
- Fear
- Guild Wars
- Half Life World
- Halo
- Star Wars Battlefront 2
- Star Wars: Galaxies
- Team Fortress 2
- World Of Warcraft
GK returns (Circa February 2010):
We Are Back!!
=GK= is back with a new management and a new start we are looking forward to rebuilding =GK= from scratch the reason we have come back to this website is because we have the F.I.D.O system here it makes life easier for members to run there own divisions and so on we are currently recruiting active members so please don't hesitate to post a join request
Divisions (Circa September 2010):
- Battlefield 2
- Battlefield Bad Company 2
- Call of Duty
- Counter Strike Source
- Enemy Territory
- Enemy Territory Quake Wars
- Heroes Of Newerth
- Star Trek Online
About =GK=:
=GK= is a self-financing game community of around 50 members. Our largest single game is COD but we are active in other games as well. Membership is by invitation/application with criteria depending on how crowded the game you want to join is already.
Summary of =GK=:
We have been multigaming for over 5 years. We think that games are most fun when played with friends. We encourage all members to take part on Teamspeak, servers and forums.
History of =GK=:
Genesis Knights was created in March 2004 by =GK= Darkstar. We grew to a peak membership of over 400 in 2007. After repeated changes of leadership and breakaways this has been reduced to less than 100. We have learned from our experiences and are now focused on rebuilding a strong community based on teamwork and friendship.
=GK= Hall of Fame:
=GK= Shinzon
Shinzon has been a crucial role in =GK='s success through his recruiting skills, His honesty and ability in the gaming field. Shinzon deserves his place in =GK= Hall of Fame.
The "Master" Admin as I liked to call him Sp00fer wasn't so much a gaming enthusiast but sp00fer and I (Angel) built the website for =GK= with a makeover every now and then. Sp00fer's Clan Management System F.I.D.O (TM) Has made administrating for such a large Clan Easy and Efficient. Sp00fer is a Legend throughout =GK=.
"Mav" as we call him here is one of the best Admins =GK= has had. He takes no bullshit and gets the job done. He has put hours of hard work and dedication into =GK= to make it what it is today. He is a loyal and trustworthy Member.
Game Divisions (Circa July 2011):
- Americas Army 3
- Battlefield 2
- Counter Strike: Source
- Enemy Territory
- Star Wars Galaxies
- World of Warcraft