The Dominion Warriors Gaming Community {DW} (formally named The Dominion Warriors Clan) was founded in March of 2002 by Weyoun and Nobel. {DW} made its debut in the game Star Trek: Bridge Commander. It quickly became the largest superpower within the game. With over 100 dedicated members, The Dominion Warriors quickly made a name for themselves as the most powerful yet the most honorable gaming clan in STBC. The Dominion Warriors was also a part of the most powerful alliance in Bridge Commander called the Triple Alliance.
This consisted of The League of Generals Clan (currently existing) and the Confederate Union (currently existing as The Wolf Pack). This Triple Alliance controlled the STBC World, and protected it from such predators as The Devil Dogs Clan, The Renegades, and several other enemies.
Dominion Warriors Executive Command (December 7th, 2004):
Executive Command is better known as the DOMINION WARRIORS HIGH COUNCIL. This department is comprised of the Department Heads, the Leader, and the Executive Officer of DW.
- Misty - Leader, DW
- Starwolf - Executive Officer, DW
- DW^Alabama_01* - Commanding Officer, Tactical Dept.
- DW^Atlantis_01* - Commanding Officer, Adv. Tech Dept.
- DW^1701E_01* - Commanding Officer, Clan Rel. Dept.
Tactical Department:
The Tactical Department is the military force of DW. This group of skilled and honorable warriors is the backbone of DW's power in its military endeavors.
- DW^Alabama_01* - Commanding Officer, Tactical Dept.
- DW^Blackhawk_01 - Executive Officer, Tactical Dept.
- DW^(T)Guardian_01 - Commanding Officer, Battle Group Miami
- DW^Norad_01 - Commanding Officer, Battle Group Orlando
- DW^Enterprise_02* - Executive Officer, Battle Group Miami
- DW^Phoenix_02* - Executive Officer, Battle Group Orlando
Advanced Technology Department:
The Advance Technology Department is the research department for DW. This department helps with making the BC Experience problem-free and smooth. They are also constantly testing new technologies.
- DW^Atlantis_01* - Commanding Officer, Adv. Tech. Dept.
- DW^Dauntless_02* - Executive Officer, Adv. Tech. Dept.
Clan Relations Department:
This department is result of combining the Intelligence Department and the Diplomatic Department. This department is responsible for treaties and outside Intel.
- DW^1701E_01* - Commanding Officer, Clan Rel. Dept.
- DW^Hunt_02 - Executive Officer, Clan Rel. Dept.
Dominion Warriors Leaders (Circa May 2005):
- DW Starwolf (Clan Leader)
- DW Atlantis (Vice Leader)
- DW Blackhawk (Tactical)
- DW Weyoun (Operations)
- DW F1X3R (Advanced Tech)
- DW Nobel (Intel)
- DW 1701 E (Intel)
In 2005, The Dominion Warriors Clan decided to move from a single-gaming clan, to a multi-gaming network. The Dominion Warriors Clan changed its name to The Dominion Warriors Gaming Community, and expanded into several games such as the Call of Duty Series, Halo, Tribes, and an assortment of other games.

The Community thrived largely until early 2006, where a large number of the member left or went inactive, due to a dispute that would shape a Dark Age for the Dominion Warriors. A very small amount of members held the {DW} name intact, and kept the flame alive. The Dominion Warriors were all but extinct, but the leaders that were left kept wearing their tags and clinging on to the {DW} way of honor.
In mid-to-late 2007, several remaining {DW} leaders brokered a deal with a few former {DW} members who had been extremely successful in the creation of a gaming community. The deal was for these people to rejoin {DW}, and to rejuvenate, reconstruct, and thrust the community into honor, excellence, and greatness once again. This deal was accepted, the community was on the road to being revived, and {DW} came out of its Dark Age.
Soon after the deal, the Community finished all three phases of JCS's Reconstruction Plan that was put into action. All of the phases were competed with great success, and launched {DW} back to where it belongs.
Dominion Warriors Leaders (Circa 2008):
- DW President Vulcandth
- DW Patriot - Vice President
- DW TopDawgJW - Commander
Now with the release of Star Trek Online, the Community begun a transformation back to it's Star Trek roots. A new rank structure is just one of the many changes put in place by the High Council of the Dominion Warriors.
The Dominion Warriors has recently celebrated it's 8 year anniversary, but still has many more left in store. Even after many changes over the years, the Community still stands for honor and integrity, but also has many new values that make it a great place to game. We are about fun, friendship, relaxation, and gaming. This is not a place to have a second life. This is a place to relax and have fun, even when you are a leader. This is a place to create new and lasting friendship, throughout our current lifestyle and throughout our lifetimes. Our current sitting President, TopDogJW, continues to uphold these values today. The Dominion Warriors Gaming Community is on the forefront of gaming excellence.
The Hall of Presidents:
:::The First President of DW::: Weyoun | March 2002 - March 2003
:::The Second President of DW::: Misty | March 2003 - May 2005
:::The Third President of DW::: Starwolf | May 2005 - July 2007
:::The Fourth President of DW::: Atlantis | July 2007 - January 2008
:::The Fifth President of DW::: Vulcandeath | January 2008 - June 2008
:::The Sixth President of DW::: Patriot | June 2008 - December 2008
:::The Seventh President of DW::: Vulcandeath | December 2008 - October 2009
:::The Eighth President of DW::: TopDogJW | October 2009 - (Incumbent)
The Dominion Warriors Council:
- President of the Dominion Warriors: TopDogJW
- Vice President of the Dominion Warriors: VulcanDeath
- Director of Security: 1701_E ("E")
- Director of Operations: Corrigan
- Tactical Director: Terzoil
Command Structure
~President - P
The leader and voice of the community. The President is a member of the High Council and holds 1 vote within it.
-The current sitting President must be vacant from the position for anyone else to be promoted to this rank.
-The remaining High Council members will nominate a new candidate to fill the Presidency, and then either approve or reject the nominee by majority vote.
-Ventrilo and a microphone is required.
-The President is a member of the High Council. He must be present whenever possible for HC meetings and attempt to keep up to date on issues he will be voting on.
-The President holds the ability to field promote a member to the rank of Major, pending a High Council vote to overrule the decision.
~Vice President - VP
The executive officer to the President. The Vice President is a member of the High Council and holds 1 vote within it.
-The current sitting Vice President must be vacant from the position for anyone else to be promoted to this rank.
-The remaining High Council members will nominate a new candidate to fill the Vice Presidency, and then either approve or reject the nominee by majority vote.
-Ventrilo and a microphone is required.
-The Vice President is a member of the High Council. He must be present whenever possible for HC meetings and attempt to keep up to date on issues he will be voting on.
-The Vice President holds the ability to field promote a member to the rank of Major, pending a High Council vote to overrule the decision.
~Fleet Admiral - 01*
The Fleet Admiral holds one of the highest positions within our community. The Fleet Admiral is a member of the High Council and holds 1 vote within it.
-A Fleet Admiral position must be vacant for anyone else to be promoted to this rank.
-The remaining High Council members will nominate a new candidate to fill the Fleet Admiral's position, and then either approve or reject the nominee by majority vote.
-Ventrilo and a microphone is required.
-Defined by the duties of the DW administration division they command.
-The Fleet Admiral is a member of the High Council. He must be present whenever possible for HC meetings and attempt to keep up to date on issues he will be voting on.
-The Fleet Admiral holds the ability to field promote a member to the rank of Major, pending a High Council vote to overrule the decision.
-The Operations Fleet Admiral holds the ability to field promote a member to the rank of Commander, pending a High Council vote to overrule the decision.
-All other duties are defined by the DW administration division they command.
~Admiral - 01
-Any member promotions of this rank, is at the sole discretion and majority vote of the High Council.
-Ventrilo and a microphone is required.
-Defined by the duties of the DW administration division of membership.
-The Admiral holds the ability to field promote a member to the rank of Captain, pending a High Council vote to overrule the decision.
~Game Division Leader - GDL
Game Division Leader are the super administrators of the game divisions we open within the Dominion Warriors. They answer only to the High Council for matters concerning the DW game division.
-Must have attained at least the rank of Senior Member.
-Must apply for the position through Operations, the matter will then be brought up for vote by the High Council.
-Ventrilo and a microphone is required.
-Check the forums daily.
-Actively look for new recruits for DW.
-Keep up to date in the Operations forum and moderate the game forum of which you are the GDL.
-Administrate activities and DW assets in the game of which you are the GDL.
-The Game Division Leader holds the ability to field promote a member to the rank of Junior Member, pending a High Council vote to overrule the decision.
~Brigade Leader - BL
-Must have attained and fulfilled the duties and the rank of Senior Member.
-Ventrilo and a microphone is required.
-Check the forums daily.
-Actively look for new recruits for DW.
-Keep up to date on the information passed on to you by the Task Force leaders under you. Be prepared to pass this information on to the appropriate DW administration division.
-Schedule meetings with the Task Force leaders under you if needed.
-If any game division activities require an entire Battlegroup to participate, you will be the leader of your Battlegroup and take temporary control of the Task Forces under you.
-The Brigade Leader holds the ability to accept new member applications thereby promoting to the rank of Recruit, pending a High Council vote to overrule the decision.
~Task Force Leader - TFL
-Must have attained and fulfilled the duties and the rank of Senior Member.
-Be confirmed to have been active for 3 weeks within the community. (discretional)
-Ventrilo and a microphone is required.
-Have an application submitted and approved by either a Brigade Leader or Above.
-Check the forums daily.
-Actively look for new recruits for DW.
-As a Task Force Leader, be active within your assigned game and schedule/keep up to date with the latest division activities.
-The Task Force Leader holds the ability to accept new member applications thereby assigning them the rank of Recruit, pending a High Council vote to overrule the decision.
-Have fun and be active within the community.
~Senior Member - SM
-Must have attained and fulfilled the duties and the rank of Lieutenant.
-Be confirmed to have been active for 2 weeks within the community. (discretional)
-Must at least download and join members of the community in ventrilo when possible. (microphone is not required)
-Have fun and be active within the community.
-Attempt to recruit new members for DW.
-Check the forums daily if possible.
~Junior Member - JM
-Must have attained and fulfilled the duties and the rank of Recruit.
-Be confirmed to have been active for 7 days within the community. (discretional)
-Have fun and be active within the community.
-Attempt to recruit new members for DW.
-Check the forums daily if possible.
~Recruit - R
Congratulations! You are now a confirmed member of DW, granting you the rights and privileges of our members.
-Must have submitted an application and had it approved.
-There is an age limit of 13 to officially join DW, however we value maturity over age. If you wish to officially join DW and are under 13, you will be put in contact with a leader of our Operations division. Cases will be decided by the Operations division on a person-by-person basis.
-Have fun and be active within the community.
-Read and understand our rules in the Code of Ethics.
-Check the forums daily if possible
BC Rank System (Circa 2003 - 2005):
- 06 - Cadet. This rank is mainly probationary. After about a week in the clan your bumped up
- 05 - Ensign
- 04 - Lieutenant Commander
- 03 - Commander
- 02 - Captain
- 02*- Fleet Captain
- 01 - Admiral
- 01* - Fleet Admiral
- L - Leader, Currently DW^Misty-L or something to that format.
BC Divisions (Circa 2003 - 2005):
The clan has many divisions:
Tactical - The most members are in this. This is the brute force of the clan.
AT - Advanced Technologies - This is to develop DW themed Mods and counter other clans attempting to cheat and use proxies for spying.
CR - Clan Relations - Clan Relations is a hybrid of the Intelligence, and Diplomatic Core. Sent was the Senior Operative of DW Clan Relations, and part of second in command of it. It is a very fun division but you are really put to the test before your allowed in.
You can request a transfer at rank 05 and be put into any division except Clan Relations. Clan Relations is a highly sensitive division and your tested and IP/Proxy scanned prior to acceptance.
Bridge Commander Mods Supported:
- Stock 1.0
- Stock 1.1
Games Supported:
- Guild Wars 2
- League of Legends
- World of Tanks
- Diablo 3