[RG] or Royal Guard as it's known was a Stock 1.1 Bridge Commander Clan created by Fleet Admiral Morpheus in February of 2005.


Sniper joined Royal Guard after stepping down from the SFTF Clan as leader, due to multiple transgressions against the Bridge Commander community particularly the X-Fleet Sentinels in 2004.


Royal Guard Leaders (Circa January 2005):

  • [RG] CIC Morpheus
  • [RG] CIC Xsnip3rX
  • [RG] VCIC Supernova

[RG] hacked and stole XFS's "Mark 7" interface to use as their own website during the short time it was alive and was placed under mass scrutiny. At the end of January 2005 the clan was split into two where Xsnip3rX mutinied against RG's leaders creating a Renegade Soldiers clan and then went on to recreate a from scratch version of  SFTF with the Renegade Soldiers members.


[RG] then once again stole the XFS clan site, Forums and MySQL Database information in March of 2005, much to the dismay of XFS Leadership. X-Fleet Sentinels declared a Copyright Infringement war in which they contacted [RG]'s Host and had [RG]'s site/forums disabled.


Royal Guard Leaders (Circa March 2005):

  • [RG] CIC Sephiroth
  • [RG] CIC Solar

Nothing is known of the remainder of the RG clan except for then Samcold in December 2005 requesting XFS for a Non Agression Pact