-=Team NRG=- was a clan playing Star Trek: Armada 1 and then moving into Star Trek: Bridge Commander by Tor'al and ARGO's request in March of 2008. At the beginning of the clan it gained alot of members and shortly thereafter around April or May 2008 they joined The Brotherhood with The Mighty Devil Dogs and Soldiers at War (SaW) under Santa.
Tor'al then realised what they joined was very wrong and attempted to leave The Brotherhood, where they were attacked without prejudice but then The Brotherhood ended in "Operation: Deprivation" after SaW broke down...
Brotherhood Ends....:
June 2nd, 2008 3:34 am
I would like to inform anyone and everyone that we are no longer allies with the three clans DD, SaW and CF, since they have left Bridge Commander, we have no more interaction with them.Therefore there is no reason to pursue diplomatic negotiations between NRG and the Brotherhood. I would also like to inform that the Co-Founder of NRG - Tags SFC=Locutus=NRG has joined us in BC!
Please show common courtesy to him and greet him when you see him.
While in it's short time as a clan -=Team NRG=- had NAP's with clans like Foxhound, XFS, etc.
Leaders of NRG (May 2008):
- Founder of NRG - Pure=NRG
- Co-Founder of NRG - SFC=Locutus=NRG
- SFC=Tor'al=NRG (BC Division Leader)
- SFC=ARGO=NRG (Head of Diplomacy)
NRG Memberlist (June 2008):
~all the current members in BC~
- SFC=Tor'al=NRG
- SFC=Locutus=NRG
- LC=Pacific=NRG
- E=Devildog=NRG
- NFA=Raliant=NRG
- Fcpt=Kinetic=NRG
- FC=Solaris=NRG
- RFC=Sydney=NRG
- ESF=Riker=NRG
- L=Darklink=NRG
- L=Legia=NRG
- 1st=Unthinkable=NRG
- C=Dylof=NRG
- NAF=Bandit=NRG
- L=Vortex=NRG
- ??=Diogo=NRG
- FC=Scorpion=NRG
- LC=Vertigo=NRG
- Fcpt=Demonboi=NRG
(Fcpt = Fleet Captain)
(NFC = Northen Fleet Commander)
(L = Luitenant)
(SFC = Supreme Fleet Commander)
(LC = Lieutenant Commander)
(C = Commander)
(ESF = European Strike Fleet)
(E = Ensign)
(?? = Unknown)
(1st = 1st Officer)
(RFC = Royal Australia Fleet Commander)
(NAF = North American Fleet)
NRG Memberlist (July 17th, 2008):
- SFC=Tor'al=NRG - BC Division Commander
- SFC=Argo=NRG - Head of Diplomacy/Fleet Commander
- RFC=Sydney=NRG - Australian Fleet Commander
- FC=Demonboi=NRG - Fleet Commander - First Wing
- FC=Atlantic=NRG - Fleet Commander - Second Wing
- FC=Reserved
- Fcpt=Reserved
- Fcpt=Reserved
- Cpt=Brooke=NRG - Captain
- Cpt=Reserved
- Fto=Legia=NRG - First Officer
- C=Jawa=NRG - Commander - First Wing
- C=Meridian=NRG - Commander - Second Wing
- LC=Dylof=NRG - Lieutenant Commander - First Wing
- L=Diogo=NRG - Lieutenant - Second Wing
- E=Vortex=NRG - Ensign - First Wing
- E=Vertigo=NRG - Ensign - Fifth Wing