Soldiers at War was a clan created by SaW Santa and SaW Razzor in March of 2007 in the Kobayashi Maru 0.9.1 Mod. SaW was most famous for it's Alliance with "The Brotherhood" along with the "Mighty Devil Dogs" during it's "Submit or Die" Campaign.
When SaW joined DD in it's "Brotherhood" Alliance many of it's members disagreed with the decision made by Santa and some members left the clan. Vice Admiral Rage and Rear Admiral Death left and created the Imperial Klingon Fleet known as IKF in December 2007.
SaW shared DD's Teamspeak and other services but did not get along that well with each other, soon thereafter after Hawkeye declaring victory over BC. Santa going MIA for a long time due to an car accident.
Admiral Rage decides to take over SaW as Leader temporarily, along with help from Death and Martok for 8 months.
Due to this Hawkeye removes SaW from "The Brotherhood" and SaW begins to die out.
Santa randomly coming back decides to resign from SaW and disband the clan.

Santa quits SaW June 30, 2008:
Unfortunately I have no time to run this clan anymore so all good things must come to an end it was fun while it lasted and hate to see SaW die after so many years but it has to end here...Gaming all together is not done with me it’s just with my music and work it won’t fit into my schedule right now.
But for those who earned my respect you will be hearing from me for the fact I have something in the works and if all goes as planned I will be back up and running by then end of July look out for the NUESTRA FAMILIA "our family" in COD4 and soon in GTA 4.
Shortly thereafter Santa gives the clan to SaW Razzor to re-create SaW 2.0 but then The Admiralty changes their minds to NOT give SaW to Razzor due to Santa's temporary return and Shepherd's random bitching of SaW's members by changing names around. Shepherd after a while finally makes it into SoJ (Soldiers of Justice).
Santa quits a second time in September of 2008 which seems of the end of SaW under Santa.
Phantom decides to create a SaW forum in November of 2008 making the Field Marshal rank for himself under Santa, until Santa's return which never occurs. In the meanwhile a Clan Doctrine is created with Shady as Temp Leader.
SaW declares war on IKF:
Attention all SaW members:
Thursday, November 24th 2008 the Imperial Klingon Fleet aggressively invaded the sovereignty of SaW space without provocation. They continually and openly engaged SaW members in several surprise attacks. So as of this moment, SaW and IKF are in a state of open aggression.
Fellow brothers; we can no longer be neutral as long as IKF openly attacks us. We will not back down from those who wish to destroy the peace we strive towards. We shall never yield to those of selfish motives.
So all SaW members have the authorization to fire at will on IKF. As of this moment forward…WE ARE AT WAR!
SaW*Shady*FA / Fleet Admiral
SaW-Phantom~FM / Field Marshall
SaW-Trylant-Lt.G / Lieutenant General
Soldiers at War Startup Roster (Circa March 2007):
- -=SaW=-Santa*FA
- -=SaW=-Rage*Adm
- -=SaW=-Martok*Amb
- -=SaW=-Sonic*Cpt
- -=SaW=-Phantom*Cpt
- -=SaW=-Death*Cpt - Security CO
- -=SaW=-Trylant*Cmd - Security XO
Soldiers at War Roster (Circa November 2008):
- -=SaW=-Shady*FA
- -=SaW=-Trylant*Adm
- -=SaW=-Lubu*VAdm
- -=SaW=-Phantom*FM
- -=SaW=-Dark-Sonic*RAdm
- -=SaW=-Raliant*Col
- -=SaW=-Neo*Col
- -=SaW=-Sentari*Col
- -=SaW=-Bracer50*Maj
- -=SaW=-Arkans*Maj
December 15th Shady sends an e-mail to Santa which he doesn't respond to in which Shady takes over Command of SaW as Fleet Admiral. The clan lasts for a month or so but basically breaks down due to inactivty and members leaving.
SaW under Shady was never restarted due to Shady being totally Inactive.
Games Supported:
- Star Trek: Bridge Commander - Stock 1.1, KM 0.9.1 and 1.0
- Halo
- Freelancer
- Americas Army
- Call of Duty 4
Ranks (Circa 2007 to 2008, Santa Era):
- Fleet Admiral
- Admiral
- Vice Admiral
- Rear Admiral
- Commodore
- Fleet Captain
- Captain
- Commander
- Lieutenant Commander
- Lieutenant
- Lieutenant Junior Grade
- Ensign
Ranks (Circa November 2008, Shady Era):
- Fleet Admiral
- Field Marshal (Made just for Phantom to temporaily take over the fleet)
- Lt. General
- Major General
- Colonel
- Major
- Captain
- 2nd. Lieutenant
- 1st. Lieutenant
- Sergeant Major
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Private 1st. Class
- Private - Rookies in the clan will be given this.