Through the fire and flames we fight, no battle will we back down from. There's no sky too high, there's no ocean too deep, we will give our life saving another. We will never leave a brother behind, no matter the odds we will stand tall. We count our victories by the Coursers we get to their targets, by the safe return from enemy Space by the members we return to their home... Til the last ship, til the last man, til the last minute, til the last torpedo. We Fight, We Fight, We Fight, We Fight... Who are we?? We are SOLDIERS AT WAR!! WHO ARE WE?? WE ARE SOLDIERS AT WAR!! Never forget you're the best of the best out there.
This is the motto of Soldiers at War.
Soldiers at War was reformed by Former Admiral Rage of Soldiers at War/D'ivok Co-founder of Imperial Klingon Fleet and Former Lt. Commander Defiance from Imperial Klingon Fleet.
On October 1st, 2011 D'ivok left the Imperial Klingon Fleet and reformed Soldiers at War and asked Defiance to join as the Co-Founder. Rage wanted at first to reform Soldiers at War in Bridge Commander and Combat Arms. The Hopes of Rage and Defiance was to bring life back into Bridge Commander while working with other clans that had been in Bridge Commander.
Combat Arms quickly grew to 20 members and on November 5th, 2011 Battleth joined and became the Vice Admiral of Soldiers at War and Division Commander for Combat Arms. Battleth had been a High Command Member of Imperial Klingon Fleet. As the next few weeks past the Admiralty of Soldiers of War saw that after working for a little over two months that there wasn't much left to do in Bridge Commander and it was moved to the inactive game list, but from time to time still hosts servers for Bridge Commander.
Soldiers at War Quickly made the jump into Star Trek: Online. Within two weeks the first sub-fleet was born called Nova Fleet commanded by Fleet Captain Apollo a former Soldiers at War Member. Over the next eight months four more Sub-Fleets would come to life in Star Trek: Online. The next was Wolf Fleet commanded by Jay now the Rear Admiral of Soldiers at War and Division Commander of Star Trek: Online.
To follow after that is Scorpion Fleet commanded by Fleet Captain Dreiden after Fleet Captain Samerius had to take leave time from the fleet. After that two more sub-fleets where formed Lynx Fleet commanded by Fleet Captain Carolus Rex a long time member of Soldiers at War form the start of Star Trek: Online.
After that Soldiers at War added a Klingon Sub-Fleet Called Imperial Klingon Force in honor of Imperial Klingon Fleet and placed Fleet Captain Kurn in command due to his hard work in the fleet. As of August 1st, 2012 Fallen Earth was added to the supported games and Fleet Captain Gorbesh is the Division Commander for it, and Champions Online Division Commander for that is Fleet Captain Dreiden.
In the coming months Rage has planned to add World of Tanks and World of Planes to the clan. Combat Arms is still active and growing along with Star Trek: Online, Fallen Earth, Champions Online.
As of August 12, 2012 Soldiers at War features over 250 members. This is due to the hard work of the Admiralty of Soldiers at War and the hard work and Loyalty of the Members of Soldiers at War.
Games Supported:
- Star Trek: Online
- Combat Arms
- Champions Online
- Fallen Earth
- Star Trek: Bridge Commander - Kobayashi Maru 1.0 Mod
Soldiers at War - Command and Duty Roster (Until January 10th, 2013):
- -=SaW=-Rage*FA - Founder
- -=SaW=-Defiance*ADM - Co-Founder
- -=SaW=-Hellkhat*VA - Combat Arms Division CO/X-fire Admin
- -=SaW=-Jay*RA - STO Federations Division CO/Wolf Fleet CO
- -=SaW=-Kurn*FC - STO Klingon Division CO/Recruiting Leader
- -=SaW=-Dartuff*FC - Nova Fleet CO
- -=SaW=-Carolus Rex*FC - Lynx Fleet CO
- -=SaW=-Dreiden*FC - Security Officer/Scorpion Fleet CO/Champions Online CO
- -=SaW=-Gorbesh*FC - Fallen Earth Division CO
- -=SaW=-Steve*FC - Fleet Treasurer
- -=SaW=-Gage*CPT - Forum Layout Admin
- -=SaW=-Lillie*CPT - Recruiting Officer/Ambassador/Morale Officer
- -=SaW=-Jason*CMDR - Ambassador
- -=SaW=-Yinco*LT - Ambassador
- -=SaW=-Shady*CPT - Vent Sever Admin/Fleet Trainer
- -=SaW=-Shadow*CMDR - Fleet Trainer
- -=SaW=-Brendon*LT - Fleet Trainer/Media Manger
- -=SaW=-Yaxis*CMDR - Fleet Crafter
Soldiers at War Leadership (Circa October 28th, 2017):
- -=SaW=-Rage*Leader Of SaW/Founder
- -=SaW=-Paul*Fleet Leader
- -=SaW=-Recker*Fleet Leader
- -=SaW=-Korg*Vice Admiral
Fleet Trainers:
Rage-Tank builds
"Open Spots for Trainers"
Star Trek Online:
- -=SaW=-Korg*Vice Admiral----------------Division Leader Klingon
- -=SaW=-Duke*Captain-------------------Klingon XO
- -=SaW=-Shivinski*Division Commander-------------------Division Leader Federation
- -=Saw=-Harry*Captain--------------------------------------------Federation Xo
- -=SaW=-KriGreenleaf*Division Commander--------------Symphony of War Division Leader
- -=SaW=-1Eye*Commander-------------------------------------Recruitment Officer
Armored Warfare:
- -=SaW=-RedLeg*Division Commander---Armored Warfare Commander
- -=SaW=- Little Tank*Commander-----------Recruitment Officer
- -=SaW=-Tuscany*Commander----------- Recruitment Officer
World of Warships:
- -=SaW=-Bootleg*Division Commander---------------------Division Commander
- -=Psyco48=-Recruitment Officer-----------------------------Recruitment Officer
Honored Member:
- -=SaW=-Jay*Honored Member
- -=SaW=-Defiance*Honored Member
- -=SaW=-Reb*Honored Member
- -=SaW=-Shady*Honored Member
- -=SaW=-Trevor*Honored Member
- -=SaW=-Eaglefire*Honored Member
- -=SaW=-Chris*Honored Member
- -=SaW=-Gage*Honored Member
Soldiers at War Rank System:
- Leader of Saw
- Fleet Leader
- Admiral
- Vice Admiral
- Rear Admiral
- Advisor
- Captain
- Commander
- Lieutenant
- Ensign