Confederate Union was a Stock 1.0 Bridge Commander Clan created by Confed in 2003.


CU was apart of the "Triple Alliance" vs "The Mighty Devil Dogs" in Stock 1.0 along with DW/LG.


Unsure of CU's fate in Stock 1.1, but CU was changed to the Wolf Pack clan of KM 1.0.


CU Roster (December 2004):

  • CU~Confed~-=K=~
  • CU-Yorktown=01=
  • CU~Omega=02=
  • CU Sent
  • CU Trill
  • CU^Firefly>A< AT
  • CU-Fyre-A3
  • CU~Thalas
  • CU~Iceman
  • CU~Elogium
  • CU~Cougar
  • CU~Seven-of-Nine
  • CU-Meta
  • CU-Eagle