The Wolf Pack, a Bridge Commander clan during KM 0.9.1, was led by the former Confederate Union Leader, Confed, in February 2007, shortly before KM 1.0 was released. This clan played a significant defensive role in the "Submit or Die" campaign by the Devil Dogs against BC in KM 1.0.
WP fought valiantly in the "Submit or Die" conflict, featuring warriors such as Ace, Red, Wolf, Knight, Alecto, Koloth, Khan, Taurus, Furnace, Ryan, Akira, Haze, among others.
The Wolf Pack ceased playing Star Trek: Bridge Commander following the death of =WP= Lieutenant General Taurus, who suffered a heart attack due to anaphylactic shock. His funeral was broadcast online.
Following that day, members of =WP= lost interest in playing Bridge Commander, as it evoked memories of Taurus, with the exception of Koloth and one other player.
=WP= Moved onto Star Trek: Online for a short time but then gave it up, ending Star Trek Gaming altogether.
The clan still exists to this day, though it functions more like a family than a traditional clan. As of 2017, it seemed that the clan had disbanded and everyone had moved on.
=WP= Leadership (Circa October 2007):
- Sky Marshal CONF3D
- Fleet Field Marshal Sent
- Field General Ace
- Lieutenant General Odin
- Major General Athalon
- Brigadier General Knight
- Bridadier General Taurus
- There will be no hacking/cheating of any kind
- All {WP} are to be respected at all times
- All members respect higher in command
- Ranks go up with the showing of skills whether solo or team wise
- There will be no insulting, this includes racism and sexism
- All level of skill should feel welcome in our server
- If a problem should occur in our server with people report to high rankers and they will take care of the problem
- If you don't plan on taking the clan seriously don't bother reading these rules or joining the server
- Female members of Wolf Pack will not be treated as lesser, all {WP} are treated the same
- Passwords are only given to official {WP} and if you want to give it out for any reason talk to highest in command and ask for invitation rights for non {WP}
- While in open home server make guests feel welcome
- All {WP} must be respectful in all servers at all times and well present the {WP} the actions of one idiot effects the rep of the whole {WP}
- If you know of anybody wishing to join the {WP} inform the high command CONFED: cougar81_2@hotmail.com or Sent: czo1216@verizon.net
- Any breaking of the above rules will result in an appropriate punishment such as being banned completely from the clan
- Obey all rules and there should be no problems
Rank System:
The Following Rank system is unique to The Wolf Pack:
Bridge Commander Ranks (Circa 2007 - 2011)
SKM (Sky Marshal) =}^{=
FFM (Fleet Field Marshal) =^/*\^=
FM (Field Marshal) =<^>=
FG (Field General) =*****=
GEN (General) =****=
LT.G (Lieutenant General) =***=
MG (Major General) =**=
BG (Brigadier General) =*=
COL (Colonel) =\*^*/=
LCO (Lieutenant Colonel) =^*^=
MJ (Major) =<*>=
CPT (Captain) =*II*=
CMD (Commander) =///=
SBC (Sub Commander) =^//=
LTC (Lieutenant Commander) =\\*=
LT2 (Second Lieutenant) =*I*=
LT1 (First Lieutenant) =I=
SGT (Sergeant) =^^^=
CPL(Corporal) =^^=
PVT (Private) =^=
Current Ranks (Effective October 2011)
SKM (Sky Marshal) =}^{=
LSM (Lieutenant Sky Marshal) =\|*|/=
FM (Field Marshal) =^/*\^=
MAR (Marshal) =<^>=
COM (Commandant) =**^**=
GEN (General) =****=
LTG (Lieutenant General) =***=
MG (Major General) =**=
BG (Brigadier General) =*=
COL (Colonel) =\*^*/=
LCO (Lieutenant Colonel) =^*^=
MJ (Major) =<*>=
CPT (Captain) =*II*=
CMD (Commander) =///=
SBC (Sub Commander) =^//=
LTC (Lieutenant Commander) =//=
1LT (First Lieutenant) =*I*=
2LT (Second Lieutenant) =I=
SGT (Sergeant) =^^^=
CPL (Corporal) =^^=
PVT (Private) =^=
Some BC Signatures of =WP=