USA - EF was a Stock 1.1 Elite Clan created in Star Trek: Bridge Commander in May 2002 in Stock 1.0, the clan faded away in 2006 as many clans moved onto the new Kobayashi Maru mods which USA-EF considered skill-less and noobly.
THX was a EAW clan meant just for Starcraft 2, when USA was disbanded the remaining USA members such as Sarek and Apollo continued on in THX where they thrive today...
- Aaron
- Anubis
- Apollo
- Blindeye
- Centaur
- Dan
- Death
- Demon
- Fro
- Kahless
- Killjoy
- Knife
- K-Wad
- Leonhart
- Liberious
- Lucifer
- NCC-999
- Neo
- Op Spec
- Polska
- Rifleman
- Saratoga
- Sarek - Leader
- Shibby
- Shredder
- Starfire
- Terako
- Thor
- Tidus
- Titanium
- Xanatos