FE is one of the older clans in existence, with our main underlying goal just having a good time playing games as friends. Our leader, James Morianna, started the clan several years ago as a Star Trek: Bridge Commander clan. We fought against one of the largest clans in that game in one of the most famous wars in BC history, and won. Together with our allies Phoenix Extreme and Foxhound, we have became an unbreakable coalition.
Shortly after the clan was created, we moved into Guild Wars, where we have a considerable amount of our player base. Our 3rd game that we play is Halo, where we have some very experienced and friendly Halo players. The Halo Division is currently recruiting again, Inquire with FE_Eagle (blackeagle0001) or FE_Sarge (sarge300491) for an Invite into our clan.
We invite based on personality, to us, that's what matters. After all, its our friendship that has kept us going. For the Guild Wars division, Contact James Morianna, in-game, or me (FE_Eagle) on Xfire. For BC, Contact me and I'll redirect you.
Our forums are invite only to prevent spammers, so contact a member. Only a few of our members use Xfire, but we have 10-20 in all.
Our Official Site (Under Construction):http://www.federation-empires.com
Forums: http://www.federation-empires.com/forums/
Important FE Figureheads:
James Morianna - Our beloved leader. Founder of the FE Clan and has kept it going through thick and thin.
Operative 14 - FE's second in command, A great person willing to help out. Has helped James through the toughest of times in FE History.
Blue One - One of the most wise teenagers you will ever meet. Blue One is the founder of FE's halo division. Currently on leave due to personal reasons.
Black Eagle - FE's former Guild Wars Divisional Head, Then promoted to Head of Military. Currently the XO of the military.
Sarge- FE's Current Head of the Halo division. Great Halo player, friendly, and hosts FE's dedicated Halo server. Sarge is an experienced FPS player, with good leadership skills.
Grievous Jedihunter - Current FE Head of Military. Experienced gamer willing to help anyone.
Crimson - Possibly my oldest friend anywhere, including real life, Crimson is a Lieutenant General with no applicable roles. Crimson is almost definitely the kindest soul you will find on this planet.
Members (Circa October 2007):
James Morianna Fleet Admiral Clan Leader
Ames LinDraco Fleet Admiral Clan Leader (LOA)
Operative14 Field Marshall Military Commander
Diavlo General Military XO, Guild Wars CO
Admiral Hawk Admiral On Leave
Nobe McQueen Rear Admiral On Leave
Fleet Officers:
Chrissy Captain LOA
Observer Captain LOA
Kellywizkid Commander Diplomacy
Harna Lieutenant JG LOA
Hahn Lieutenant JG LOA
Swift Lieutenant JG LOA
Military Officers:
Gothmog of Irvine Colonel Guild Wars XO
Guzmi Major Department of Offense