XFS 04 Seperoth
Later Known as Constantine
Now Known as TheSep
Real Name Justin M Burton
Location Evansville Indiana
Born in June of 1981
Special Effects Artist/Executive Producer Star Trek Lexington
All around a easy going guy unless otherwise pissed off as many in the Bridge Commander community found out.. Do not piss sep off haha X Fleet Sentinels (Former X fleet Starships) has been my home from day one. First off joined up to X-Clan Starships with this crazy guy named Dauntless as our leader we hit it off as friends right off the bat.
Favorite 2 ships in game was the Defiant or the Sovereign when we originally formed XFS those were the golden days in gaming would not change any of it, had a lot of good times then. Now as I sit here rendering my latest 3D creation in to the world of Star Trek, I think back to those days and envy them as they were much simpler times for me.
That is it for now