NAME: Lewis Alex Custodio
Game Name: Azores
DOB: 10-23-81
Current Gaming Clan : IOC (probation)
Currently Playing (online) Star Ttrek BC, war rock | (offline) NFS Undercover 2010, StarCraft 2
Favorite games (all time): Double Dragon, Mario 64, Sonic the Hedgehog (8bit), Soul Calibur, Star Wars KOTOR, Mass Effect, Unreal Tournament, Resident Evil 4, FIFA 99, NHL
Azores started playing Star TREK BC in 2003/2004. It was in BC that Azores met Lord Sun TZU, now known as Blackbird. He was forming a clan and invited Azores to be a part of the new bc clan : XG (Xtreme Gamers). XG moved on to other games, but azores stayed behind in BC. In late 2010, he was invited by Hawkeye to be part of IOCs BC fleet. Azores was back in business!
OCUPATION - currently taking a PhD in Literature (university of Coimbra), azores also plays piano, guitar , bass and drums and teaches Judo.
Interests- Nirvana, Martial Arts, Literature and Modern Languages