I started in 1999 playing multiplayer in a game called Europa Universalis 2 then I got into STBC a year and a half later.
I started clanning on my own using my past military experience to set up somewhat of a chain of command and I knew membership was important so recruiting was always goal #1.

As a clan leader, if I’m actually there I have always been successful. The times in former clans that there was failure was in my absence or inactivity on my behalf, due to personal issues. I have successfully launched two of the biggest most successful clans with this unique clan system.

My first took me years to get going successful; my second was like the back of my hand, it happened in less than a year. I currently continue to clan and push the limits of clanning and warring in game.

It is my goal to be a major impactful clan in various games so that we are known, respected and or can compete with the best thus far. In my current clan IOC, I have broke every record I ever had in over 9 years of running clans. We continue to gore and pwn today.

Wherever you might be or whatever clan you might be in, I will always be watching for you. Never know when HAWKEYE and IOC will appear and wage war that has been known to crush foes to the point of no return.

As of June 2011 Hawkeye no longer cares about Bridge Commander and has moved onto Bigger and Better things as now building World of Tanks in to a Massive Division and dominating that Game in a WoT Style "Submit or Die" to take over ALL Clans.