The Renegade X, known for his offensive attitude towards his enemies, razor quick wit amongst friends and unconventional rolling banshee dog fighting was possibly the single most dangerous pilot to have ever graced a Bridge Commander server. His abilities across the full spectrum of 1.1 ships were unmatched and was often seen to dominate the majority of players with a simple Bird of Prey. X never backed down from a fight.
X's conquests were many, often taking on entire groups with a single ship and surviving to witness his opponents drifting engine-less screaming heinous insults and making wild accusations as to the integrity of his game files, numerous clans rose and fell at his feet. All too often were stories of wild tantrums at X's unflinching ability to not only hand someone their ass but to also crush their spirits.
X was also famous for infiltration and disguise and used to fly under many aliases in order to plan and wreak his chosen flavour of havoc for the day including (but not limited to) Gunstar, TurtleSkinTurbo, ThunderFuck, Ace, an RNGD Idiot, an RNGD asshole, an RNGD RNGD and many, many more.
All in all, X was one of the most feared players in all Bridge Commander history, often impersonated but never matched. It is even said that essence of X roams the internet now as a string of loose packets, his soul having been absorbed by the internet in order to allow continuous ass kicking until the end of time.