I've gone by many alias. -=Z=-, Reverend Z, RevDem Z, Bloodfather, Zii, but it all started with Z.

I discovered Bridge Commander in 02. At first, I just played the single player. It wasn't until Jan of 04 that I got into the Multiplayer.

In Jan 04 I entered a server with DW, Dominion Warriors. I was invited to join the clan by then President Misty. I became an Cadet, but I never went any further with it.

I left the game for 6 months, and when I returned in July of 04, I met DD.

From July to December 2004, I was a member of the Devil Dogs. My ascent through the ranks was swift, culminating in my appointment as Captain of Alpha Company before advancing to the Admiralty. During Hawkeye's leave of absence, I, serving as the Clan XO, introduced two new ranks. Initially, the 5 Star Admiral was the pinnacle rank designated for the Clan XO. I then established the 6 Star Admiral rank, which allowed other members to attain the 5 Star Admiral rank while the 6 Star was reserved for the XO. Eventually, I grew disenchanted with the 6 Star and instituted the Vice Leader rank in its place, becoming the inaugural Vice Leader in the annals of DD and Bridge Commander.


It was only logical, given that the Clan CO was titled Leader, that the Vice Leader rank I created would become part of the rank structure in other clans, including DD. After Hawkeye returned from his leave, I grew tired of DD and Bridge Commander. Consequently, I chose to leave the clan for a week in November '04. Death assumed the role of Vice Leader thereafter. Upon my return, I was reinstated as a 6 Star Admiral, which served as a consolation since I could not resume the Vice Leader position. I remained with DD for the rest of the month. However, after discussions with Samcold, we both departed DD and resolved to establish SCF.

From December 2004 to March 2005, I was part of the Samcold Fleet. We engaged in the conflict against DD. Samcold served as the Leader, and I held the position of Vice Leader. Prometheus, who would later be known as Fix3r, came on board as our 5-Star Admiral. In January 2005, I was absent due to a loss of internet connection. During this time, Samcold and Prometheus continued the development of SCF, and I rejoined at the end of January.

We began expanding into other games and welcomed new members. Eventually, we decided to deviate from the DD rank structure; Samcold assumed the role of President, and I became the Vice President. Prometheus had returned to DD by then, and with the need for additional command support, OnlyAshes was appointed as the first Chief of Staff.


Beau served as our Fleet Admiral, with Galaxy, previously known as Odin, as Admiral. In late March of '05, SCF merged with another small clan, bringing members Archer and Trip into the Admiralty. However, SCF soon began to disintegrate. Members started departing, and Samcold left the fleet.

Attempting to hold on with the remaining members, I, too, became weary of SCF. As the sole remaining Founder and Acting President, I made the decision to disband SCF. Archer and Trip were opposed to this and attempted to sustain the fleet on their own. Nevertheless, they eventually relinquished their efforts and joined another clan.

Following the conclusion of SCF, I found myself as an independent in Bridge Commander. At that time, two major forces, RNGD and XFS, dominated the area. I maintained friendly relations with both clans and deliberated extensively on which one to join. Ultimately, after forging a friendship with DarkShadow (previously known as Warrior/Defiant) from XFS, I decided to join the X-Fleet Sentinels on April 2, 2005.